CMO-magazine: over blogs en wikis
[[image:cmo.jpg::left:0]]Afgelopen maand – mijn oog viel er nu pas op – had CMO (het blad
voor marketeers) een uitstekend artikel over de ontwikkeling van blogs: Blog to the Future. In het jongste nummer (de april editie) wederom veel interessante artikelen. De inhoudsopgave van deze
maand laat onder meer interessante artikelen zien over de volgende generatie contact centers en marketing van kinderen.
Waar mijn aandacht dit keer – je zou kunnen zeggen hoe kan het ook
anders – echter vooral naar uitging was het artikel What is: WIKI in de serie Power tools: what is?.
Boeiend om te zien dat ook in de wereld van de marketeer wiki nu ook
steeds meer aandacht weet te trekken. Wat quote’s uit het wiki-verhaal:
How is a wiki different from a blog? A wiki possesses an “edit this page” link that allows a visitor to
make changes to the page. This link is what makes wikis different from
Web logs, or blogs, which permit readers to give feedback on a
particular comment but prevent them from editing anything but their own
postings. Blogs can be used to build communities of mutual interest. Wikis go
a step beyond community and enable consensus-building. Imagine a team
of people sitting around a whiteboard, where anyone can add to an idea,
edit or erase it, and you’ve got a rough idea of what a wiki is.What are the benefits of a wiki? Given the hectic pace of doing business these days, bridging the
distances between people and fostering idea-sharing can be a
competitive advantage. Wikis also require only an Internet connection
and a Web browser for access, which can make them easier to deploy and
use than some collaborative applications or groupware offerings. Having
people share information on the wiki can also ease overloaded inboxes
and cut down on e-mail exchanges between coworkers.Why should marketers care about wikis? Wikis have generated buzz because of Wikipedia’s success, but the
medium’s corporate potential is just being explored. Wikis clearly can
be used by companies for internal and external applications. For
companies that have trouble keeping up-to-date information on a
corporate intranet, wikis can enable employees and customers to make
changes themselves. They can also help coordinate internal development