De Belgische internetmarkt
De Internet Service Providers Association (ISPA), die 97% van de internetmarkt (ISP’s, de Internet Service Providers) in Belgie vertegenwoordigt, heeft recent haar jaarlijkse Algemene Vergadering gehad. In een presentatie (ppt) gaat men onder meer in op de toekomst van de internetmarkt.
- The Internet is expanding on all fronts, but�
The perceived value of Internet is declining (commodity)
Prices are eroding
Boundaries blur between ICT market players (IT, Telecom, Internet):
– Computer is an entertainment device for movies, games, and music.
– Mobile phone is also a camera
– PDA is a phone and a GPS
– Wireless laptop is all of these
– ISP’s become OLO’s with VoIP
Uit diezelfde presentatie nog het statement dat ISP’s op deze evolutie zouden moeten kapitaliseren:
“Productivity gains from businesses using the Internet are actually much greater than predicted two years ago but do the business pays for it”
“ISP’s must bring other services to survive and bring profitable revenue”
“Broadband subscriptions have grown at amazing speed (> 1,3 million in Belgium) but what are the killer app’s”
“Audio and video streaming on the Internet grew more than 104% in 2003 but piracy has grown more!”
“WiFi hubs are delivering Internet connections to your seat, but how secure and safe are they?”